Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Project ADL: Entry 1: Arduino Test

To maintain SOME mental stimulation, I have decided to work on a new electronics project.  I don't want to reveal the exact goal of this project, because that makes it more fun for me.  Brian purchased most of the necessary components for my birthday (much to his surprise!) and now I am ready to begin.

I have decided to use the Arduino Duemilanove as the brains of my device (for now).  Long story short, I have successfully uploaded and run a very simple program and I might be a little too excited about it (see video below).  Not a major accomplishment really, but like I said, I am excited about it, so back off!

Marco wasn't as stoked, but that is because he didn't fully grasp all the implications:


  1. silly dog.. can he not see the possiblities?!?!

    Based on currently available information and my own random aspirations I am predicting a KITT conversion (think Knight Rider).

  2. Hmmmm...looks like I've got some competition with Project Nixie...
