Thursday, July 19, 2007

Alone At Last!

Well, it is official...Brian can fly an F-16 with no one else in the cockpit. For some of us, this is a scary proposition. For everyone else (Brian), it is cause for an ear-to-ear perma-grin.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

You're So Vain

It has been a while since we blogged last, so I thought I would throw something up here. If you bore easily feel free to stop reading now. Nothing is more interesting than other people's dogs, so this one is for my loyal fan base.

From this picture, it would appear that our pooch is quite the prima donna. He has taken to staring at himself in this mirror, which was "temporarily" placed there due to our "recent" move. Oh, Marco, you're so silly!

Stay tuned...Brian flies the F-16 SOLO tomorrow! And on Monday, Rachel rejoins the rat race.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy Independence Day (yesterday)!

Thanks to the McLeran's for providing the view and the food!

On an unrelated subject, I got a job as an "Office Automation Clerk" (student position) with the Air Force Research Lab in Mesa, AZ. It won't be a fun drive, but hopefully the sacrifice now will be worth it in the future... I will also be continuing classes at ASU in the Fall. You know how we love to pay tuition around this house!