I really enjoy this sign every time I walk by it with Marco, so I thought maybe it would lighten your day as well. I am still enjoying a state of semi-blissful ignorance here in Nihon, so I have no idea what the Japanese on this sign says (although I get the general idea). Given said information gap, this sign causes me to ponder such questions as: Is that dog crying? Is that a telephone number in the corner? Who could possibly want to field phone calls prompted by a sign such as this? Is this sign available for purchase here? If so, I imagine all the people in my 'rents' neighborhood might appreciate this on their lawn instead of that ugly yet direct hunched-dog-behind-the-international-"no"-symbol sign they all have. You know the one:
Also, apparently I am not the only one who is fascinated with the many forms of passive aggressive human communication when it comes to the inauspicious lack of interest dogs have for using indoor plumbing: http://www.jenlouie.com/category/dog-poop/.