Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Isorated Dream

Shopping in Japan is so much fun that I have decided to share bits of it with all of you.
Below is the image of a T-shirt from a store reminiscent of Forever21.

Since it may be hard to decipher, here is the text exactly as it reads on this T-Shatsu:
Isorated Dream
Run in the sky of dreams and phantams go
 through the brightness a trace to
draw beyond a limit now"

Insignificant as these words are individually, they should mean something in toto. I am only human; I must search for meaning even where there is none! Why has someone gone to the trouble of printing these thirty-four words on a cotton-poly blend in various sizes and colors? …these thirty-four in particular, out of the quarter of a million (let’s say) or so that exist?

First, I checked Wikipedia, (of course). It is not a Haiku. Interesting.

Next I decided to look at the word which causes me the most pause in this whole mess, "labialize." Labialize is not a word in my stock vocabulary and its reading was conjuring all sorts of unfortunate images, so I decided to refer to the always-reliable, Essentially it means to give a round character to a sound. Since we know native Japanese speakers to have some issues with r’s and l’s (one needs not look any further than this very T-shirt for a perfect example) I checked the three other permutations of this word and found that none are legit, so we can safely conclude that this T-shirt is trying to tell us something about pronunciation. Dead end.

If I think about this anymore, my head might explode. Those crafty Japanese…is this a step in their plan for world domination?

My conclusion: This shirt clearly belongs at a poetry reading, Haiku or not.

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