Three weeks into our Japanese adventure we have finally found a house! I am starting to feel settled again! Maybe too settled.
More things I love about Japan:
5) Onsens (Hot Spring Bath Houses). Wow, I could make this a habit. Gender controlled bathing in your birthday suit in mineral water straight from the ground. There could be no better way to spend an evening. I think I might have been a snow monkey in a previous life.
6) Snow Monkeys. I haven't seen one yet, but I will before I leave! I hear they like to attack women and children but leave men alone...crafty. We shall see my friends...we shall see.
7) The "car bow." This happens daily because driving on the tiny streets of Misawa is a cooperative effort for all involved. I like the car-bow way more than I like being honked at/flipped off/shot at. Perhaps I shouldn't directly compare Misawa to Phoenix anymore. I feel that it might not be fair...low hanging fruit and such.