In case there was ever any question that this apartment is in fact the epicenter of the third ring of Hell, I now have the swarm of bees to prove it (okay, maybe flies would technically be more indicative of Hell's exact location...moving on). An apparently very confused group of bees set up shop in a two-inch hole in a stucco wall 4 stories up. I can assure you that there are no live flowers to be found anywhere near this location. It must be hard to make a living as a bee in Tempe. Almost as difficult as I expect it must be for the mountain lion on A-mountain. Sadly, this group of bees met an early demise when the pest removal "experts" that the building manager hired declared them "half African" and they were eliminated. However, I like to think that their lives weren't all for naught...they live on as a cleverly worded blog title (...fine, just a regular blog title). Que sera sera.
Oh, and, as a side note, since it has been so long since my last post, a quick update: we have entered the final 3 weeks of my (2nd) undergraduate college career, Brian will be back from Korea on the 6th of May, our household goods will make their way toward Japan on the 11th of May, my last final will take place on the 12th of May, and Barack Obama is speaking at my graduation on the 13th. Don't expect another blog post in the next month.